DHUKR® Designed, Engineered and Assembled In America 🇺🇸 . DHUKR® Human Fishhook Removal Accessories ARE OUT NOW!


For Easy Storage

Hooked on Savings:

Ditch the ER Bill with DHUKR™, Your Affordable Fishhook Removal Solution!

  • Our Mission & Vision

    Your affordable, pocket-sized savior that removes fishhooks quickly and safely, right there on the water! No more ER drama, just peace of mind that fits your budget.

  • How DHUKR™ can offset the cost of a fishing trip disruption

    Safe and effective, Save up to $2000, Skip the wait, Enjoy uninterrupted fun.

Behind the innovation

Meet Michael, the ER physician assistant with 23 years of medical experience and a passion for two things: helping people and reeling in the perfect catch. Based in the heart of Florida’s fishing paradise, the 10,000 Islands of Southwest Florida, Michael witnessed firsthand the frustration and inconvenience caused by embedded fishhooks. Countless patients arrived in his ER, faces etched with pain and anxiety, waiting hours for a simple yet costly procedure. As an avid fisherman and boat captain himself, Michael understood the disruption these incidents caused, turning joyful outings into stressful detours.

From vision to reality

After countless prototypes and rigorous testing, DHUKR™ was born. This innovative tool wasn’t just a product; it was a testament to Michael’s commitment to improving lives and his deep connection to the fishing community

Today, DHUKR™ empowers individuals to take control of their own well-being, both on and off the water. It keeps families enjoying their outings, guides focused on their clients, and anglers reeled in by the thrill of the catch, not the fear of a hook injury.

Join the DHUKR™ community and experience the difference for yourself!

Fishing for a better solution:

Fueled by a desire to help people avoid unnecessary ER visits and stay on the water doing what they love, Michael embarked on a mission. He combined his medical expertise with his deep understanding of fishing dynamics to design a tool that was:

Safe and effective

DHUKR's™ medically-inspired design ensures safe hook removal, minimizing trauma and discomfort.

Easy to use

No need for assistance, even if you're alone. DHUKR's™ single-handed design allows for simple use in any situation.

Compact size

Fits snugly in your tackle box, backpack, or first-aid kit, always ready for action. Super easy to use and safe.

Versatile Tool

Barbed, treble, varying sizes? No problem! DHUKR™ tackles them all. DHUKR™ is really safe and reduces risk of injury

Our Main Goals

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DR. Michael Coleman

covid -19 doctor

Alexander Knowles

covid -19 doctor

DR. Finley Johnson

covid -19 doctor


contact us now

What Our Client’s Say

I make my living on the water guiding fisherman of all experience levels. I cannot believe how easily and effectively DHUKR™ removes hooks! It will be on my boat every day.

Captain Brandon


Awesome tool! Fast easy to use in no time we are back fishing! Great asset on my boat for those unexpected surprises!

Captain Wright Taylor


I will buy the DHUKR™ for my husband, who's always out in the ocean. Now I will have one less thing to worry about when he's out there. Great gift for any angler who takes safety seriously.

Captain Alden


DHUKR™ is easy to use fast and effective. A great fishing tool!

David Fabian


I’ve spent countless hours on the water! If you fish long enough it's inevitable someone gets hooked. DHUKR™ has simplified the removal process, saving time and drama. it will be in my tackle locker every trip.

Captain Angel


I would like to thank you because, during my last fishing trip, I unfortunately injured myself while grabbing a fish. It struggled, and the loose hook ended up piercing my hand, going through my finger. Amazingly, I didn't feel any pain at all when removing the hook! The process was quick, very easy, and, once again, completely painless. Incredible! Congratulations!

